Wednesday, November 30, 2011


There are boundaries that shouldn't be crossed.

"What are the boundaries in your life?


"Do YOU cross boundaries that you have no business crossing?"

Look for this topic in my New Book coming in 2012!

Food For Thought

Don't cross the line!

It boils down to nervy people and a lack of respect

for the person whose boundary is being crossed with.

Sometimes it could be unintentional, other times, not.

So,you want to look at it in the right mindset

& determine if the person(s) has

a habit of crossing the line in some way.

Proper boundaries need to be discussed.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We didn't fly to Baltimore to be with my family,

however, my in-laws flew to Atlanta from California

& we had a great time! Plenty of food & laughter!

Later, they joined my husband & I at our new home to

watch my favorite team...the Baltimore RAVENS!

We counted our blessings!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Here are some more photos that I took on my walk enjoying nature.

I'm always observing things in the spiritual realm in my daily life, and I've realized for some time now that GOD speaks to us in many ways, if we're open to receive & believe.

I noticed a "bare" tree, and then I noticed a tree with leaves on it and thought to myself, I wish "fruit" trees were in season, because I'd love to take a picture of it. Then I looked around and there was a tree with some sort of berry on it.

Obviously, I thought of the scripture JOHN 15:5 "Yes, I am the Vine, you are the branches, those who remain in me, and I in them , will produce much fruit, for apart from ME you can do nothing."

Food For Thought

It's good to remain in HIM,

just because HE "IS".

"Are you bearing any fruit?"

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A few days ago, I went to the park for a nice long walk.

Although it was rather chilly & windy outside, it was also beautiful & serene.

Take a look at the photos I took.