Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It takes a mighty Woman of God to hold her peace.

Great strength is what she has.

She's wise to know when to speak,

and when not to.

She knows there is a time to be a lion

and a time to be a lamb.

She has learned that it's wasteful to entertain

foolishness nor to engage with someone's ignorance.

Don't worry.

God was there when lies were told.

He saw the deceit & the manipulation.

He knows the full story when others don't

even though they think they do.

HE knows it All.

Even the integrity & dignity

that YOU maintained.

Since you're a mighty woman of God

and you've been treated unfairly & unjust...
simply pray for the unrighteous that

God may uncover their sinful wicked ways,
that they repent,ask for HIS forgiveness

and seek to walk in HIS light.

Food For Thought

Everything isn't always what it seems.

GOD IS working it out for YOU...
Afterwhile, you'll see. Trust HIM :)



(Blessings to the Righteous)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ladies, cook for your husbands and children.

Sometimes we need and want a break...

but this shows another form of love.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

PRAYER changes things.

God is working behind the scenes even

when you cannot see exactly what's going on.

Just keep trusting.

For my family and friends,

you know one of my favorite scriptures:

Proverbs 3:5,6,

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart,

lean not on your own understanding,

acknowledge HIM in ALL your ways,

and HE shall direct your paths.

What an awesome scripture!

When you doubt and things seem a little confusing,

no need to fret, just keep praising,

stay in HIS word, and lean on HIM.

Trust that all is well.

Stay in God's perfect peace! :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Today is the day that

you do something for yourself!

Go ahead,it's ok!

It can be anything from shopping,

getting your hair done.

A manicure or even something

as small as buying a great book to read.

Perhaps your favorite magazine!

Whatever you decide,

make sure that it makes you feel good.

Today, live fantastically! : )

Friday, April 8, 2011


Having ice cream with my husband and youngest son!

It's a treat just to be with family.

Make sure that you find time

for the people who really matter!

In the end, FAMILY is what's important. : )

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Please pray for those who have lost loved ones.

Psalm 34:18

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted

and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Friday, April 1, 2011

A throwback from a few years ago!

I've never worn these shorts out in public!

But I did buy them for "me" to wear

in the comfort of my own home.

This was the first and last time I wore them.

There's nothing wrong with shorts...but if those "short" shorts reveal too much...it should be off limits.Don't do that to yourself...and tell your girlfriends the same thing. Now I know this may be suitable for some of the opposite sex to look at and watch me walk in a sexy manner. Well that's not even my style. I truly don't need all of that extra stuff to get noticed and neither do you. Just be yourself! You never want to attract the wrong man because of the way you dress. Be a classy and sophisticated young woman because it will take you a long way.

Food For Thought:

It's ok to be totally feminine.

Buy cute,fashionable clothing.

Just don't wear anything that you'll

regret wearing later because

it made you look ...well you know. : )