Wednesday, September 30, 2009

24 Hours!

Today is a new day...

What will you do with it?

Embrace it, in all of it's magnificent splendor!

Get out and smell the roses!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Time Well Spent

Soothe your spirit and relax. Meditate on calmness & serenity.
Welcome joy, harmony and peace into your environment.

Finding special time alone for rejuvenation
is certainly a health benefit.
Don't Delay this act of love for yourself.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Surprise Someone!

I'm sure you've heard it before, that when you're not in a good mood, or you have your mind on "yourself " go out and make someone else's day! It really does take your mind off of things that only GOD can handle anyway. Right? Even if you're ok today.....go out and do something nice for someone. You could simply write a personal note, or mail a card to a friend or a family member that lives afar.We all are caught up in technology, that we forget about writing with a pen & pad. Besides, think of all the beautiful stationary that you may select from. That certainly adds a nice touch. There are plenty of things you could do to make someone else feel loved and appreciated. You just never know what they may be going through.
Small Suggestions:

1) A fancy jumbo cupcake.
2) A beautiful card.
3) Special picture frame.
4) Single flower in a slender vase.
5) Gift card to an ice cream parlor.
6) Soft scented candles.
7) Daily Inspirations Book.
8) Gift card for a music cd.
9) Personalized Coffee or Tea Mug.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Worried,Tired & Burdened?

Matthew 11: 28-30

28: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29: Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30: For my yoke is easy , and my burden is light.

(Please, please give all of your worries to HIM)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Enjoy Them Now!

Go ahead and light your candles!
Yes, even the scented ones. There's no need to save them.
Enjoy them today and see how it can change your mood and room.
If you don't have any, now's the perfect time to buy some.
Reminder: Keep out of reach of children.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Patience In The Midst

Many years ago , new to the Christian walk, I was attempting to separate myself from an unhealthy relationship. While reading the Bible and trying to learn "The Word", I found a scripture that I meditated on.
Psalm 27:14 Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and HE shall strengthen thine heart; wait, I say on the Lord.
I'd lost my strength, my courage ,confidence, and yes, my heart was broken. My spirit was so low ,that there wasn't even a sparkle of light. UNTIL, I read that verse.....I then realized that I had help on my side.
I knew that it had to take courage to wait patiently (as I went through) . In the midst of hurting, wanting, needing, & crying, "patience" was key. I had to trust in GOD that HE would do exactly as HE said. With me knowing that, it gave me such peace! I understood that in HIS time, everything would be alright. He strenghtened my heart so much. Through prayer & faith, I was able to leave with "courage" placing my foot, one in front of the other.Afterwards, the light began to shine.
It's amazing what GOD CAN do if you'll allow HIM.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


... Beautiful, intelligent, genuine, ambitious, funny, grateful, faithful,

honest & trustworthy. ...Stylish.

...Loving, sincere,compassionate,
a go-getter!!!

...Helpful, friendly, optimistic, courteous, bold& daring!

You walk with your shoulders back and your head held high!
"Is this you?" I believe it is!
You're something awesome!

Photo of Terry Doram-Hodge

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What A Difference A Day Makes

Let the sun shine in...

Go for it.....give it your all today & make things happen!
You'll be one day closer in reaching your goal or dream.

Believe in yourself!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Talk It Out!

Make sure you're being loveable when communicating.

Communication with your husband or someone else that you hold dear is very important! You must take the time to really listen carefully what he's saying. This gives you an opportunity to place yourself in his shoes and observe from a different perspective.

You know, it's not always easy to admit when you're wrong....but it does take a humble heart to do so. Pride has to go out the window. Admitting when you're wrong also builds character and it allows for growth to occur. When disputing an issue or concern, stick with that particular issue. There's no need to bring up "other" things. However, if you still have unresolved issues, from a prior matter, discuss that at another time, and in a peaceful manner. You always want to keep peace and harmony in your home as best as possible. Sometimes, you may have to be still and wait patiently. God knows how to handle your circumstances if you don't react too quickly on your own.
Whatever you do, say it with love.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Stormy Weather!

Don't allow the rain stop you from having a great day! It's all in your mindset. I know the schools have closed in some parts of GA, and you may feel like things are moving slow, or you may feel so gloomy that you don't want to get anything done. Well, I changed my thoughts by going to my basement,opening up all the blinds, playing a nice cd and started on my normal things. YOU can do the same! Besides,we need rain.Welcome it because it's not as if we have a say in the matter anyway. Right? lol

*The show must go on, so don't forget Monday Night Football!
*Don't drive where there are known floods. Be safe out there!

Here are a few tunes dealing with RAIN.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

How Sweet It Is!

Proverbs 4:7

Wisdom is the principal thing;

therefore get wisdom:

and with all thy getting get understanding.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Who Are You Pleasing?"

Warning: As stated last week ,topics will get a little deep on occasion.
( If you want my opinion, read on!)

I think we've all done it before at one point or another & in one way or another.We've wanted to please our parents,children,husband's, boyfriend's or even our friends. After awhile, you may become frustrated that all of this "people pleasing" , doesn't please "YOU".

"Why do so many go to great lengths to please others at their own expense?" Sure, there's nothing wrong with wanting to do nice things for people through our gifts, time and in some cases, money.

However, is there a hidden agenda, a motive? Well, depending on which relationship, determines that. Ponder over this for a moment. Let's say you have a child who loves receiving "gifts", toys, playstation games,etc. Although you may want to give it, but at certain times it may not be feasible for you to do so,....yet , you still go out of your way to get it, in order to keep your child from being upset with you. It's understandable to a degree.

However, children "must" be told no if it simply cannot be done. You want to please the child, and it keeps you feeling "loved" and keeps the "guilt" away from yourself.
There shouldn't be a feeling of guilt for having to say "no". You as the parent have your reasons....and that's all there is to it. You have to recall what a good mom you are, and all of the other things and time you've given. Period!

Most of all, LOVE doesn't come in "things".
(It's nice, but doesn't make up for the love in your heart)
Another aspect would be "boyfriends". I've seen this alot!!! Ladies, STOP trying to gain a man's attention through buying him things in order that he comes around and spend time with you. You're trying to please him through your pockets! Buying him this, and buying him that, treating him here and there , just to seek approval, affection, and have a man.
That's a no-no! Period! You're worth more than that. Give and take is a two way street. Now,if you're a single mom , you just may not have...therefore , you cannot give as much, don't stress! Why? Because any real man with common sense should know this, and would gladly be supportive ,willing to help, nor want anything but your time. And get the point, even if you do have should never "buy" a man. Don't compromise yourself, your values and morals. If you currently don't have any values & morals, then by all means, it's imperative that you get some ASAP.
(That's not to be hurtful....but loving. From one woman to another woman.)
Remember, A selfish man is one you can and should do without!

For the women who have children...
Stop spending your last on a man that's not worth your time or your children's time.!!! He should buy for YOU and YOUR KID(s) as well as spend time with you and your kid(s). That's a real man!
At the same time, you still should be able to discern his overall character.
Some men with money may also have a motive. So ladies, be wise.
**I'm not speaking of wives who may have to support a loving, good husband, temporarily due to unfortunate circumstances.**

Food For Thought: It's ok to be a sweet person....obviously, however, it should never get to a point where it's draining "you" and now you've become bitter towards "others" due to your own kindness. You shouldn't feel pressured into giving more than what's possibly expected.
If you're doing right as a person, a mother, wife, friend,etc...,well, who has the right to demand so much more? You're in control to say no whenever you like.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Real Deal!

Us "girlie girls" get all excited about those extra things that add to what we already have.

We love the new shades of lipstick, the new shade of nail color that's in or maybe the new nail accessory, "minx"....which of course, I haven't looked into yet. Now, personally I'm not sure if that's my thing. But who knows? We also get tickled about purses, shoes, you name it, and we want it. Now, that doesn' t mean we always get it! lol Although I'm a girlie girl, I don't usually go out and buy what everyone else has every five minutes. I love stylish things, but I like my own style. As they say, I have my own flava! That's just the way I like it. So here's the point.....make-up, shoes, purses,and all the glitz and glamour doesn't make YOU who you are. Sure, you've heard it a million times, that "real beauty" is on the inside. It's true ladies! It's within.
Beauty on the inside is priceless!!! It's how you carry yourself as a woman, it's the kindness, compassion and concern that you show for others. It's having a spirit of love.
It's being a woman who does unto others as you'd want them done unto you.
That REAL BEAUTY on the inside manifests itself so intensely, that when you walk into a room with or without any girlie accessories.....and speak with genuiness, it shows to those around you.

That beauty is a value that many would love......but it's all yours! You can't lay it down, hang it up, or even loan it out. It's with you 24/7. So, the next time you feel the need to get accessorized from head to toe, and you just don't feel like it, just remember, that you're still beautiful, and if no one else thinks so, God does and so do I.
Food For Thought: Now, I'm not saying that we're not to look presentable when we go out, or on a date with our husband's or a boyfriend or just because we want to. The point is to let you know, that YOUR beauty is within. Don't ever forget that. Now, if you're beauty on the "outside" is wonderful with all that glamour and accessories.....and your "inside" is ......ummmm, well "messed up" with a bad attitude, .. then that means you simply give it to God and allow him to help you. Pray over it and He'll make it right.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"What's The Rush?"

As silly as it may sound, I have a saying, "Slow down, to speed up!"
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mean speed up literally. What that means to me is that sometimes when we're in such a rush, doing this or doing that, going here,there and becomes "chaotic" . It eventually wears us down.

We may get some things accomplished , but it the long run, what we're really getting is a physically tired body, sometimes a mental block, then we may even get emotionally drained.
For the sake of our health , real progress and stablization , slow down in order that you may speed up "properly".
Think about driving a car, and your foot is to the pedal, and you're going too fast...well eventually you'll get a speeding ticket, you could even have an accident. Why? because you were going too fast. Now, on the other hand, let your foot off of the gas pedal, and gradually pick up the speed you need (suitable speed)....This speed should get you there safely with no worries. Mission accomplished.

Another example ... recall a track runner. The wise one will allow everyone else to run fast, while he or she coasts at a moderate speed, then they would gradually pick up speed and win the race, while the others overexerted themselves.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No Need To Slack

Don't give up on getting fit just because the summer is ending.In fact, getting ready for that Christmas party is just the incentive you need!!!
Heads will turn when you walk in!!! You know exactly what I'm saying! Lol

You'll beat that NEW YEAR's RESOLUTION crowd! :)
There's no need to wait!

If you're in need of some new fitness equipment, please contact:
770-279-9437 or feel free to e-mail me with any questions.
* FREE onsite evaluation.
* FREE delivery & onsite equipment assembling
* Scheduled maintenance and equipment cleaning
* State of the art fitness equipment
Equipment Selections:
Fitnex, Multi-Sport, Star Trac, Cateye, Cap Barbell, USA Sport,
Precor, Life Fitness, Maximus, Dynabody, Nautilus, BH Fitness
& many more!


Release the stress!

There's no point in worrying,
when GOD is in control.
Do your part, and He will surely do His.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Watch Your Words!

"Who says that words don't hurt?" Well, they do! That old saying , sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt is far from true. It's only good when trying to get someone to ignore the smart remarks, however,that's not always easy. Verbal abuse does cut deep to the core of one's does leave you feeling very hurt. I hope that if you're reading this, that you're not the one who verbally abuses & to stop it at once! I also hope that if you're the one being verbally abused that you confront this issue. I pray that you realize it's only a tactic used by the abuser to make you "feel" bad about yourself. To get you to a place where you feel powerless.

You must engage yourself with others who lift you up and not bring you down.
You must learn to stand tall again by knowing that GOD LOVES YOU & realize you're so worthy. Words spoken can bring life or death. Speak your words carefully, and make sure they're being carefully spoken to you. Lift someone up today with words that edify.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"How's Your Heart?"

PSALM 4:4,5

4: Stand in awe, and sin not:

commune with your own heart upon your bed,

and be still. Selah.

5: Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,

and put your trust in the Lord.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

"What TIME Is It?"

Ladies we know that we deserve "our" time alone to work on hobbies,work or just to sit still and meditate. However, there has to be balance in your life, if not, then you'll have a problem.

Pay attention when your time is being desired or requested. Loved ones may come right out and ask for it in one way or another,or there are times when "you" have to take notice.

There are clues to look for.
1.) Does your child/husband/boyfriend always walk on heels? lol
2.) Does your loved one strike up conversation?
3.) Does your loved one look bored?
4.) Are they hinting around?
5.) Are they upset?
6.) Do they appear sad for some reason?
Be mindful, that BALANCE is the key in all you do. Remember, family does come first. You shouldn't put off the things that you enjoy, however, make time also for what really matters in the end. (Your loved ones.)

Food for thought:
You shouldn't always schedule your family around "your stuff", but schedule "your stuff" around your family. Sometimes, it's ok......but this shouldn't be a habit.
Squeezing your family in with whatever time you have left, doesn't make them feel important. It tells them that "your stuff" is more important. That may not be the actual case from where you're standing, but it could make them feel that way. Your ACTIONS tell the story!
Life is short....our days are not promised.
So remember, it's time to spend "time" with them and make them know it!

God Bless YOU and YOUR Family & Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Something Special...."YOU!"

Happy Friday!!!

Ladies, I will get into personal topics very soon.
For now, I will start you off with this...
Love Yourself!

We all have great qualities about ourselves.
Take a moment and think of how wonderful YOU are!

Make today a great day! :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Let The Games Begin!"

Go ahead!! Join your honey in watching the game as the
Official Football Season kicks off tonight!
Be nice, and allow him to have this pleasure.

You're actually doing your relationship
a give a little, and you get a little.
Although, keep in mind , that it shouldn't be
your reason for giving.

Make it fun for the both of you . Afterall, a
little football never hurt nobody!! "Or has it"? lol
All I'm saying is that the
Baltimore Ravens won
all of their pre-season games. Looking good! : )
I love the Falcons too!

Well, you get the point. If needed,
refer back to 9/5/09 blog for "emergency".

Tonight's game:

Sept. 10
Tennessee (Titans) at Pittsburgh (Steelers)
8:30 p.m. (et)

*Don't forget the chips & dip!*

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Women's Intuition

How many times have you felt a nudging of your spirit?

How many times have you ignored it?

pay attention to your inner spirit because it's there to guide you.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Higher Learning

Today,President Obama will speak to our children about education. I know some parents across the country may feel it's inappropriate for him to do so. Well, since this is my blog, I will voice my personal opinion. I'm thrilled that he is! Why? Because it's something that needs to be discussed and I'm not sure why some would be offended. If it doesn't apply to your household, then don't worry about it. Some kids may need guidance from a man of power to believe in them and encourage them......some kids may not have a parent who cares, or any family member that cares. They could be holding on by a thread to stay in school and this may possibly be the boost that he or she needs! We all should know that an education is power! Knowledge is power!
Kids who may sometimes slack in class need to be reminded of how hard life will be if they don't get their education. It's their responsibility to care about themselves to strive, even in the midst of circumstances. Kids need to be aware that the decisions they make about school today, will affect their tomorrow in one way or another. We cannot go to school with our kids.They have to do it, and want it! There are many reasons why youngsters don't engage as they should in school. It's our job as parents to find out, to go to the school administrators , the teachers and do all that we can to help our kids. That's OUR part. Once that's figured out, and a game plan is set in motion, the rest is on that child. We have to get to the "root cause" of why "some" kids across America give up on themselves!
I remember when Bill Cosby spoke about our kids, particularly, about the urban neighborhoods kids.Was I offended? NO.....not one bit. Why? Because he told the truth. Some people thought he was airing our "dirty laundry". Well guess what, some people wouldn't have to worry about dirty laundry if they were making sure things were cleaned! Sorry, that's just how I feel.
With that being said, what's wrong with the truth? Nothing! We want truth, the real deal and when we get it, it'a a problem. President Obama will speak on the truth. It's ridiculous to be even slighty bothered about our President who wants our children to do their best. Is that a crime?
Furthermore, he has two daughters of his what could he possibly say to our kids that he wouldn't say to his own? Come on people, give him a break!!!
Let's open up our minds about the seriousness of this matter. Pay attention to what's really going on with our kids across America and perhaps our own kids. Go a little deeper and see what's going on in the schools. Check things out for yourselves. Don't wait on the school to contact you ...see where & what your child is learning. Who does your child spend time with at school? Is he or she a class clown or so bashful that they don't ask for help when they truly need it? Let your children know that, you love them, and want them to do well.
Food For Thought: It's great for entertainers to go into our schools with the purpose of encouraging our youth to stay away from drugs, gangs,etc. Society welcomes them with open arms and we never question it... And not that we should. It's "always" wonderful for our kids to have positivity brought into the schools.Don't miss the point. However, it's so easy for them, and yet, you have the first African American President.... and now we have a problem?
Something isn't right with this picture. GO OBAMA! Continue to make change! Parents,take the time to speak with your kid(s) again about the importance of their education. If you're not a parent and know of a child who needs a little encouragement, please offer it. An act of concern could make a huge difference!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Go Ahead,No One Is Listening!

Be Happy! Live!

Put your favorite song on & sing out loud!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

"Not By Our Power"

Meditate on this scripture.
Job 37:16

Do you know the balancings of the clouds,
the wondrous works of HIM which is perfect in knowledge?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Well, Well, Well,...Here We Go Again!

Ok ladies, we knew it was coming and we've had more than enough time to prepare for "this year's "FOOTBALL SEASON!" Now, I know some women love it & know all of the rules and plays like the back of their hand. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. lol . I want to learn, have tried to learn, but some things I just don't remember from one year to the next!
My husband gets so excited when I ask a question and he tells me the answer, and I too get excited by saying, "WOW, that's interesting , I never knew that the quarterback has to take a certain number of steps before he throws the ball . Like 3-5 steps, and not on the sixth step, because then he would be off balance & couldn't throw the ball.
"Who knew?" lol

Fumbles and Flags! Touchdowns! Clipping,Offside & Face mask! "What does it all mean?
I'll tell you exactly what it means......It means, we have to get on the ball ladies & learn because our boyfriends or husband's will not give this sport up for us! I repeat, WILL NOT!
Here are your options:
1) Pout & complain. (no use)
2) Fix finger foods for your husband and friends,
while you entertain yourself in another room alone
or with your friends.
3) Leave out and go shopping with the girls.
4) Get your nails done, and/or a pedicure.
5) Go to the bookstore and purchase a book.
6) Go to a craft store and start something creative to do as a hobby.
7) Spend quality time with your children.
8) Go to the movie theater,or watch a great movie at home.
9) Join your husband ! (Usually works)...but no talking too much!
10) E-Mail me if you get frustrated. We'll count to 10! lol

If you need ANY football questions answered, or something you can say to impress your guy, E-mail or Call me husband knows "everything" about football! Have fun!

Friday, September 4, 2009

ALERT!! Missing, 12yr old Girl from Harlem,NY


Please click on link & forward to everyone.
Say a prayer that she is found unharmed
and returned safely to her family ASAP.

Thank YOU.

Pop Quiz!

In life we have many, many tests to complete. Some we pass with flying colors , while others we fail at miserably.....and more than once! How can that be?

I believe that when we endure "through" a trial, whatever it may be, we "should" obtain "knowledge" during that experience. When there is a POP QUIZ out of the blue, pertaining to the same situation, We may use that prior knowledge (knowing) in order to evoke wisdom (doing). Naturally, if you do that, you will ace the quiz for the "test of life". You get an A+ for handling that particular situation with "wisdom".
Now on the other hand, when we refuse to learn anything about our situations or circumstances, more than likely it will manifest itself again, in the same manner, or perhaps slightly different.
What you do with it determines just how long you stay on that level of learning.
When you think about it, shouldn't we all want to learn to feel better and do better?
Learning brings knowledge and knowledge brings wisdom. Are you wise?
Past situations never have to keep you should propel you!
It can be the catalyst for change in your life. Having wisdom means that you're using the knowledge that you obtained beforehand.......wisdom knows better! Wisdom is strong! Wisdom does what's right because it is right! Wisdom doesn't settle for less! Wisdom has good values and morals! Wisdom has respect! Wisdom gives love to those who seem to be unloveable! Wisdom no longer goes back to bondage of any sort! HUGE!!!!
" Has your past situations taught you to become a wise woman?"
If you find that you're repeating the same mistakes, over and over again, then perhaps you missed a lesson that you were supposed to learn the first time around. Re-evaluate!
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

Have A Wonderful Day!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Do You Have A Moment?

Simply slow down, & RELAX.

When I'm writing and need a break, I find moments of peace on my front porch while drinking a cup of coffee or peppermint tea.The serenity of nature's sounds and the fresh air, allows my thoughts to be renewed for creativity. It's my brief meditation moment.Find time in your day,even if it's just for 5 or 10 minutes. It will do a world of good.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Say Cheese!"

Make sure you're taking photos of family & friends. These photos will be treasured in years to come as you take a look back down memory lane. If they're of your children, they'll be able to share with their own wives, husband's and kids some day. We should capture the essence of days spent with the ones we hold dear to recall that special time and place.

Last year, my fiance' (at that time) and my 3 sons went to church on Easter Sunday. I knew that it could possibly be awhile for us all to be together on Easter, since my oldest two sons were getting more mature and doing "their own thing". :) So being the woman that I am, on our way home, I stopped at a local park to take photos. To my surprise, they didn't want to because they thought it looked silly with their suits & dress shoes on in the park while everyone else were in more comfortable clothing. They decided to have a vote! I lost! ( 4-1) lol Well, I eventually had my way after pleading and explaining the importance. They "all" huffed and puffed as they got out of the car. I laughed thinking to myself, Boys! Men! :) We took nice photos and had a good time being silly with one another. On our way back to the car, this is the shot I got of them.

A day or so later, we developed the photos and I couldn't wait to my surprise, my husband blocked so many of the photos with his finger!!! Reminder, as a rule of thumb, be mindful of your amateur photographer! lol This wasn't his first time doing that. I had to learn the hard way. lol Nevertheless, take photos on normal days as well holidays,birthdays,etc.

Labor day is next week, so don't forget the camera!
Be safe and have fun!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Beauty Rest

With our jobs that we do, our families we love to take care of, running errands and doing household chores, it catches up with us. At some point in the evening we have to cut it all off and give our bodies the rest that it deserves. We get worn out so fast and wonder why? It's because we're not getting in bed early enough. And not only that, tiredness shows on our faces. We don't want that ,now do we? :) When things simmer down, take your bath or shower, head to the room and NO TV! : ) That tv show will be there "next time". You're more important and continuing to put your body on overload isn't healthy. So tonight, give it a rest!