Sunday, April 18, 2010

Right Priorities

New Living Translation 1st Kings 3:9

Give me an understanding heart
so that I can govern Your people well
and know the difference between right and wrong.
For who by himself is able to govern this great people of Yours?"

Tenaciously seeking after God's wisdom
is the way to discern right priorities.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Deal With It-Things To Consider & Then Change!

There's a popular talk show host, who has made it clear that she's not the type of woman who has run around with another woman's husband. She's married & in her past has been cheated on although I don't know by whom. Nevertheless, today I decided to speak on it since some major celebrities are currently going through the same type of betrayal, and also because this talk show host had a guest on "today" who stated she's the "other" woman & and has been since she was 29, and now 39! Wow! First of all, in my opinion, being the "other" woman is "NOT" something one should be proud of. Bragging on it simply shows who you are, you're character.
Period. That doesn't mean that you intended for it to happen, or even if you want to stop. Bottom line, a married man is off limits to you no matter how it got down to the nitty gritty.
And the term, "we're friends" doesn't give you the right to sleep with another woman's husband.

If you're reading this today, DIG DEEP in YOUR SOUL, DEAL WITH IT and ask yourself a few questions.
1.) How does cheating help my soul?
2.) Do I deserve better than second best?
3.) Why do "I" believe him, when he lies to his own wife?
4.) How much time have I lost with an unavailable man?
5.) Do I realize my integrity and dignity has been tampered with
due to this deceit?
6.) Can my sons,daughters, or other family members be proud of
this behavior if they knew?
7.) Do I love myself enough to respect myself?
8.) Why am I selfish and inconsiderate of another woman's feelings?
9.) Do I realize that one day, I will have a consequence to this?
10.) Why am I focusing on a married man, when I should focus on GOD?

Hopefully, you will ponder over that. To the women who were once in this situation or for the ones who have really been trying to stop this terrible situation, good for "YOU".
I do understand that in life , we can make bad decisions, but getting them corrected as soon as possible makes all the difference. Seeking GOD and what HIS word says about this, will help you.
If you're the other woman, "STOP IT TODAY" and make your life right, Do what is right.
You will never reap good from being a woman with this low way of living. Period.
I wish you wisdom.

Now, I have to run and cook dinner for my husband and sons! (smile)
Have a blessed evening. :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010


A nice day with my handsome husband

teaching me how to play golf.

I'm excited to go again!

Monday, April 5, 2010

This Makes A Difference

Smile and say "hello" to someone today.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

CHANGE...Your Spirit Matters

"Crooked path?"

God can make your path straight.

Proverbs 3:5,6
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.”

Don't wait, now is the time!

God Bless Your Spirit.