Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dear Followers

Hello,it's been several weeks.
I decided to take a break in order to focus my attention
on some other things for myself as well as Rolemodeltmd.
I haven't forgotten you all and will resume with inspirational
and motivational blogs for Christmas as well as the new year!

Remember to keep GOD first in your life.
Stay thankful, prayerful & peaceful!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Don't crack in the midst of trials!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

United Together!

Try your best not to judge a book by it's cover.
Give people a chance, and learn of their heart.
That's what really matters.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It's nice to be showered with gifts
around the holidays or any day for that matter! :)
"Who would mind that?" As a reminder,although gifts are welcomed, all of us ladies love to hear from our husbands or boyfriends, just how special we really are. We want to be acknowledged or appreciated in one way or another.
It could be the way we clean our homes. The gentle way that we speak with others. It could be as small as the way we greet our loved ones when they arrive home. Perhaps, it's the meals that you cook for your family or maybe how you wash & fold clothes.What about your career dedication or the education that you're now pursuing! Make sure that the gifts they give aren't given to compensate for their time, good conversing, or compliments. All women deserve compliments from her honey. Make sure that if you're in need of those things,discuss it with your sweetie in a nice way, as this too is a part of healthy communicating.
Food For Thought:
This is a two way street! :)
Men need to feel appreciated.
They could use a compliment here and there...
just don't allow him to get a big ego. lol

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Let's Get Physical!

Ladies, this isn't the time to hibernate.
Get out and enjoy the autumn weather!
I know some aren't like me, and perhaps your favorite season is the summertime or spring. Sure, it's certainly beautiful & definitely much warmer.The autumn season brings a mass of vibrant colors to our neighborhoods and gets us in the mood to be festive for the holidays! Such enjoyment!
With all of those special family recipes and delicious desserts, it could make you feel a little guilty, so I'm here to help you.
"Rake" it off! That's exactly what I did today ...alone, just as as I wanted it. Now, I'm the only woman in the house. I have a strong husband and three strong young men, so surely they could've raked. However, I wanted to enjoy the fresh air, & nice breeze across my face and GET FIT! I put all of my muscles to work, including my abs, believe it or not. I may be a little sore in the morning, but it'll be worth the pay off. If you don't have a yard to rake, don't fret. Find other ways of getting fit. Walk in your neighborhood if possible with small 3lb weights or at a local park. If you're working a 9-5 , try walking during your lunch break and take in the scenery. If it's s little chilly, just bundle up. A little air won't hurt you.
Food for Thought:
Don't look at it as labor.
Look at it as your special time alone to relax your mind.
This helps you phycially and mentally.
Consult with your physician beforehand.
Never rake or walk while dark.
Never walk in a wooded area.
Watch your surroundings at all times.
Carry mace when walking in the park or your neighborhood.
Tell a family member or friend of your whereabouts.
Carry a cell phone.