Monday, August 31, 2009

Is Your Comfort Zone A Happy Place?

I wrote this on Twitter last week...

"Making a change for the better should be effortless,... it's the thought of leaving your comfort zone that makes it difficult."Although the reality is your "comfort zone" is really "uncomfortable". "Make a change!"

Food for thought: Just because our comfort zone is a place that we're obviously used to, doesn't mean that's where we need to stay. Sometimes, leaving our comfort zone(s) may be the best thing that we could ever do for ourselves.

Take inventory of your comfort zones(s).You should have joy, happiness and a feeling of being free. Most importantly, you should have "peace". If there's no peace, then perhaps you need to discover the reason(s) why, then make a needed change.
Have a great day!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

For Your Spirit

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Yes you can!!!

As the saying goes, starve your fear and feed your faith!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Weighing Yourself Down?

I'm guilty of getting on the scale more often than I should. Seeing the numbers go down is just the boost I really need. When the numbers go up, it's discouraging....atleast for me. Those who know me, know how I am....when those jeans don't fit anymore, I have a problem! lol

I'm sure you may relate. Well, it's time for change ladies! No more scale watching for a little while. Don't worry about it.....the thought of our weight changing up or down, weighs us down.

Our focus should be on eating healthier, and getting atleast 30-45 minutes of exercise daily. If you have a goal to "gain" or "drop" a few lbs.... let the chips fall where they may.

We spend too much time worrying about our weight. Live and be happy! Now that doesn't mean go out and treat yourselves to the fattest burger in town, or the large double fudge, tripple cookie caramel, whipped cream , double loop chocolate shake!!!!! LOL

Live, be happy and don't OVER indulge. : )
Have a safe and wonderful Saturday!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Procrastinating Over Your Clutter?

You've walked past those stack of newspapers a thousand times, knowing it's bothering you. lol Yet, you just don't know what to do with them! Afterall, there's an article you want to read,but you haven't yet. Then there's the recipe that you planned on cutting out to add to the collection of other recipes that you never even used before. What about the "Dear Abbey" article? You saw something in there too, that was somewhat like your own story. want the paper, but you don't want it. So why not "DO" what you want. Go ahead and get it over with, cut the recipe out and place it in it's proper place. Then find some quiet time to read "Dear Abbey"....then recycle it. Then go on to the next article,read, and then recycle.

What about the pile of clothes in the basket that need washing? Now it's overflowing!

How about the things that you left in your car/truck in the backseat? You know ...the things you threw back there and said you'd get it later? When later came, you actually were in rush and piled a few more things on the backseat, including the Mcdonald's bag. lol

I know, I know, you'll get to it later. : )
Well, make today the day that you take care of the clutter you've been procrastinating over. All of that clutter, causes a cluttered mind. Atleast, I think so. Trust me, you'll feel free!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Free Gift!

Smile, it may make a huge difference to someone!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Caught Behind Doing Absolutely Nothing!

I've noticed that on the days that I don't have my list...(mentioned in earlier blog) I end up spending my time pacing back and forth doing "things"......that really have no relevance to accomplishing anything. Doing "things" means, washing clothes, and not foldling. Or better yet, folding a few things and not finishing. Also , pulling out the mop and bucket to wash the floor, only to hold off on that, while you go to the bathroom to clean mirrors! How silly is this?
The problem is that we have too many things we're trying to do all at once. My suggestion is to focus in one area, complete that, then move to the next chore & complete. When you scatter all over the place , you'll take a look around and see that you're no closer to having things done than you were when you first started.....and to think that you're now drained from doing absolutely nothing.
**1st Reminder:
Lengthy conversing over the phone with family & friends is a time stealer. Make sure you know when to end the call ,then contact them a little later. (However, don't make a habit of placing family and friends on a waiting list to speak with you. ) It's always nice to talk with those you love dearly, near & far.
** 2nd Reminder:
Watching too much television. It's one show after the next....just cut it off until you've taken care of your tasks.
** 3rd Reminder:
Spending hours on the computer when it doesn't pertain to your business....your work.
Sure, it's ok to play around for a short while....but it will rob you of valuable time that you may use elsewhere. The key is to stay productive.
Peace & Joy To You

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cheers to Water!

Hey, let's drink to our health! I've never been big on drinking water simply because there's no flavor. Even adding a lemon doesn't help .....atleast not for me. I do however, manage to drink it after jogging a few miles, and let me tell you, I drink it as if it's the last bottle I'll ever have. lol ....I can never get enough!
I've decided to drink it even during the days that I don't exercise. We're supposed to drink atleast 8 glasses everyday anyhow. "Will you join me?" Let's "try" to avoid sugared drinks and drink what's better for us.
A few benefits listed below.
1.) Boosts metabolism
2.) Gives energy
3.) Improves skin
4.) Decreased water retention, etc.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Get out and enjoy the summer before it ends just next month! We don't have long.
Taking a nice walk in your neighborhood or at the park will do wonders.It allows you to focus your attention on the beauty of God's smell the fresh air and to feel the soft summer breeze across your face.
Notice all of the beautiful flowers!
Obviously, other benefits to walking allows you to stay healthy, tones your body and it's an overall stress reliever. Why not make it today!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

"Have You Eaten?"

Nourish yourself daily with "spiritual" food in order to stay healthy. If you don't, you will become weak.

Sunday's Scripture:
Proverbs 3:5-6 (King James Version)
5-Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6-In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

May's Peace Be With You & Your Family.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Laughter Is Good For The Soul

Hello Again,

We all could use some laughter in our lives...especially during stressful times.Why not rent a movie tonight filled with clean comedy? Make it a family night with popcorn! There are plenty of funny movies out there obviously. Two that come to my mind right away is an older one, but still a goodie."What About Bob?" (1991)Starring, Richard Dreyfuss and Bill Murray. Then a more recent movie, "Mall Cop".Hilarious!! My youngest son also enjoyed this one! During a visit to California with my husband,we actually met the star of this movie, Kevin James (King Of Queens) while on the set.
I have an autographed script of the very last episode!
So go ahead,have a fantastic Saturday
and laugh yourselves silly! I know I will.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Make Time For Yourself

When you're feeling overwhelmed from your daily routine, take a special break...a drive "alone' on a different path.Perhaps with talls trees and wildflowers.,Find scenery that soothes and calms your spirit.
(Make this area somewhat familiar, to avoid getting lost.)

Stop off and browse the cosmetic counters then pick up a new shade of lipstick and/or blush. Maybe, that new perfume you've been wanting!Later, treat yourself to a nice meal...not the usual. Take your time and enjoy.
In the evening, go ahead and light your scented candles, and fill your bathwater with bubbles. Close your eyes, and relax. Make sure that you're not disturbed. This is "your" time.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Simple & Sweet

"Have you tried everything?" Perhaps, yes....perhaps,no.


You can do this anytime ,anywhere and for any length of time.

I pray that you're in God's perfect peace today.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"Are Your Negative Emotions Controlling You?"

Good Evening,
I've noticed that sometimes when things don't go our way, our emotions/negative feelings have their way. They simply take over our "thoughts"....and from there, it's downhill like a snowball effect.

As crazy as it may be, arguments with our boyfriend's or husband's may cause us to become stagnant. Therefore,when that occurs we tend to fall behind in area's of our lives where we need to be productive.
"Ladies, this cannot happen!"

Powerful women must act powerful!
You've heard the phrase, "Don't let em' see ya sweat"."How true is this?" So true! Remind yourself that feelings are fickle,and we know nothing stays the same. We know that if we're too busy focusing on all of the negative thoughts in our head, then there's no room for positivity ,and without that, there's no room for growth. Learn to get a grip on your negative feelings, before they get a total grip on you.

Don't Leave Your Own Goals & Dreams Behind

Good Morning Sunshine,
We all know that sometimes us women place ourselves last
when we're helping everyone else. So much so, that we
dismiss or "completely" forget about the things that we initially wanted
to do, and before you know it, it's just a thing of the past.
I encourage you to recall all that you had hoped for before
family life, paying bills and just life's overall circumstances took over.
Sure, we love our family and friends dearly. However, we have to
keep ourselves rejuvenated in order to be all we can be for "ourselves" as well as others.
Renew your ideas, goals & dreams and shoot for the stars!
(Flower photos taken by my son, Timothy.)
*****Check back later for BLOG on "Women's Emotions"*****

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Terrific Tuesday!

Good Morning!

I hope you slept well. I a baby. :)

You know sometimes Monday's may feel like a drag especially after you've enjoyed your weekend to the fullest.Well, don't allow Monday's mess get you down.

Today is TUESDAY, and you can make it TERRIFIC"if" you set your thoughts in the right direction.First, I started with a hot cup of coffee, (lots of cream) :) and my sugar substitute. Then I helped my son out the door, ....and fast. :) Then as soon as I did that, I missed him immediately. :) If you're a mom, then you know what I mean! :)

I love him dearly. However, this morning he wanted tofocus his attention on "basketball" just one second too long for me. He knew and I knew why he went upstairs in the first place..... get his review sheet for a quiz at school.

"Do you know what I did?" I cut the tv off and got down to the nitty gritty of the review sheet and he did great!! :) All is well. I handled it smoothly, by taking care of what needed to be taken care of.

Today, I ask that you slow it down, think before you speak and react to something that you could handle calmly. There's no sense in allowing this day to become s-t-r-e-s-s-f-u-l.
Take a few deep breaths, count to 5,10 or take a brief walk just to ease your frustration.

If you've already started your day on the wrong foot, no need to fret.
Regroup now by telling yourself, " I'm ok." and meditate on the fact that GOD is in control and that He will soothe you.
I also ask that you make a list, with small tasks that you'd like to accomplish today.
It could be something simple.

Ex: 1.) wash clothes
2.) grocery store ( fruit,fish,milk & tea)
3.) post office

Mark each one off as you've completed. Sometimes you may take care of # 3 first, and then complete # 1 last. The point is that you have the list and to just get it done.

I find that making lists helps me to remember and actually "do" them. It also keeps my mind from having too many "little" things floating around thatcould interfere with the "big" things I have to stay focused on.

I'm sure you get the general idea. So remember, today is TERRIFIC TUESDAY!!!!
Make it terrific by keeping your thoughts positive and remain calm.

I pray that GOD's peace engulfs you!

Monday, August 17, 2009

My 1st Blog!! It's been a long day!

Hello All,

Yippie ! My first blog and I'm so excited!

It's been a long day, a great day I might add, although I was very busy.

It's well after midnight and I cannot wait to talk with you later.

For now, pleasant dreams and may God bless you and your family and keep you in His perfect peace.

Yellow Butterfly